
Posts Tagged ‘dog’

Meet Daysie Girl

Responds to Little Tiny Daysie Girl, Honey Bunches, Mommy Love and anything that resembles the rustling of the treat bag.

She would sleep all day long if I would sit still for 24 consecutive hours. But when I move, she moves. She’s kind of a Momma’s girl.

Okay, fine. She has attachment issues.

Okay, fine. I have attachment issues.

On a typical day, it takes Pretty Girl 13 minutes and seven full 360-degree turns to find the perfect place to pee. And it’s always better in the neighbor’s yard.

After said pee, Sweet Sugar loves to jump on my lap and people watch as all the crazy skinny people run by on the sidewalk. And sometimes, just sometimes, she runs after them down the street, pretending like she isn’t the prissy little thing that she is.

Little Miss loves her Baby, which is currently the remains of a once-stuffed doggie. She can be in the deepest sleep, but if you pick up that piece of rag Baby, she instantly goes into survival mode, her heart rate quadruples, and she will stop at nothing until she has her Beloved Baby in her possession.

And then she shakes the livin’ daylights out of her.

Sometimes, she thinks she’s a lion.

And sometimes, she plays dead.

She’s as sweet as can be, but let me tell you – Girlfriend has some serious anxiety issues around people. Especially little tiny kids.

But maybe that’s because Christian has a tendency to torture her.

She even cries real tears.

She thinks anything on the cutting board is chicken. And she wants it. Bad.

Pretty Honey doesn’t mind wearing dresses and rhinestone collars – she has Diva in her blood. But Lovey adores being outside. She loves going to Mamaw’s house to see Mae Moo (my Mom’s Min Pin) every single day. The creek is one of her favorite places to be, even though she’s still a little skeptical about doing the Doggie Paddle.

But her absolute, most favorite thing to do is roll in chicken poop.

Seriously. Chicken poop.

But at the end of the day, after a seriously intense bath, I’ll be sitting on the couch and hear the pitter patter of little paws on the hardwood floor. Up will jump Lazy Daysie onto the couch. She’ll prance over to the crook of my arm and will plop over on her back, expecting belly rubs for the next three hours.

And, of course, I oblige because she is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

I love my little Daysie Girl, who was my itty bitty, one-pound Valentine’s present three years ago, and has brought me a little bit of joy every single day since.

Also, she’s brought me puddles of pee and little surprises in the hallway.

But, I love her, my Honey Bunches of Oats. I love her to pieces.

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