
Posts Tagged ‘professor’

I know the words on the images are tiny, but if you click on the images, it will enlarge for easier reading.

Yesterday, as I was scrolling down my Facebook news feed, passing up the photo and full description of someone’s breakfast because, seriously, no one really cares, I stumbled upon this gem:

This post was from one of my journalism professors at Marshall. He teaches ethics. That little tidbit will make you cringe later.

Even though this man claims to be a Christian with conservative beliefs, it’s very clear solely from his Facebook status updates that he is, in fact, a raging liberal.

Fine, whatever. Clearly, it hasn’t bothered me enough to defriend him yet.

Actually, I’ve been tempted. But I never hit that fateful button because his updates are so outrageous that I keep reading them.

So, anyway. I saw his status.

The night before, Evan had mentioned to me about the Ohio early-voting controversy and how the Obama camp was suing, yadda yadda yadda. Evan tells me approximately 5,187 political stories a day, so I halfway listened.

So when I read Professor’s update, I wanted to know more. I wanted to find out what was really going on with Ohio’s early voting and how Mitt Romney fit into the picture. I wanted to form my own opinion.

People. This is how you learn. Do your freaking research.

I read up about the issue through several different media outlets. I didn’t feel like Romney was outright lying, but, in general, I didn’t really think the issue was so tremendous.

So, I wanted to know why, exactly, Professor thought Romney was lying. Legit – I just didn’t understand his reasoning.

And, if I’m being honest, because Professor is a raging liberal, I just had to challenge him.

I have since learned that it’s actually a move to replace the extra three early-voting days for non-military voters. Still, not the point.

I just wanted to know whether he truly believed this lawsuit from Obama’s campaign had absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming election. That’s all I wanted to know.

This is solely for context. This woman (Marilyn) was also a journalism professor of mine, although I can’t remember for the life of me which class she taught. Doesn’t matter.

Did you read that?

“Their hatred is what drives me to support him (Obama), not all his policies.”

Excuse me, Doctorate of Journalism Something, you support a presidential candidate because of how passionately people hate him? Wow. Super excited about voters like you. You know, educated.

Of course I don’t believe Professor supported Bin Laden (who knows, maybe I’m wrong), but I’m just using the same logic here that he did. It’s dumb. Seriously, Professor. Dumbest. Reason. Ever.

Time out. When was the last time a statement ended with a question mark? Remember, this man is a Professor of Journalism.

And then this happened. Oh, my goodness, you’re going to poke your eyes out.

Wait. Seriously? I’m sorry, is this a joke? I’m so confused. What?

So, we went from Mitt Romney being a liar regarding the early-voting lawsuit in Ohio to me being a racist? And a hater of my countrymen? That’s pretty impressive.

But, I’m used to that. Anytime I’ve debated with a liberal (even though I would NOT consider this a debate because he STILL never answered my questions), all they do is deflect. And deflect some more. They call me names and never really get to the point of the issue.

I think the strategy goes like this: “When you don’t know the answer, confuse.”

Well, unless you’re Kate, and she tells me how it is. (Thanks for being conversational, Kate!!)

Anyway. Stunned, I responded:

And so did he:

There you have it. I’m a racist.

Oh, and if you were wondering, he unfriended me. Must have been afraid I was going to ask him another question.

And just for fun, this was one of Professor’s FB friends commenting on the thread. Kenyan Muslin? Ooh, I bet that’s one pretty piece of fabric.

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